\myheading{Program synthesis} \leveldown{} Program synthesis is a process of automatic program generation, in accordance with some specific goals. \input{synth/pgm/mult/main} \input{synth/pgm/rockey/main} \input{synth/pgm/TAOCP_713_198/main} \input{synth/pgm/TAOCP_713_203/main} \input{synth/pgm/load/main} \myheading{Further reading} "A toy code generator" \url{https://github.com/nickgildea/z3_codegen} --- Nick Gildea has introduced a "set" instruction, loading a value into register. The ``Dragon book'' (Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman -- Compilers. Principles, Techniques, and Tools), 2nd ed., 2006, has a part 6.2.3 Triples, which describes the same way of representing programs like I do here is this book. \levelup{}