\myheading{"Feed the kids" puzzle} \begin{lstlisting} There is a basket containing an apple, a banana, a cherry and a date. Four children named Erica, Frank, Greg and Hank are each to be given a piece of the fruit. Erica likes cherries and dates; Frank likes apples and cherries; Greg likes bananas and cherries; and Hank likes apples, bananas, and dates. Figure 1.1.1 describes the situation. The problem is to give each child a piece of fruit that he or she likes. \end{lstlisting} ( von Nora Hartsfield, Gerhard Ringel -- Pearls in Graph Theory: A Comprehensive Introduction ) There are only 3 ways to allocate food to kids. The problem is also small enough to be solved using my toy-level MK85 SMT-solver... \lstinputlisting[style=customsmt]{puzzles/feed_the_kids/kids_MK85.smt} \lstinputlisting[style=custompy]{puzzles/feed_the_kids/kids_Z3.py}