\myheading{Puzzle with animals} \begin{figure}[H] \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.55]{equations/animals/1.jpg} \caption{Found this elsewhere} \end{figure} This puzzle\footnote{\url{https://www.bhavinionline.com/2014/10/whatsapp-picture-puzzle-find-weight-rabbit-cat-dog/}} can be solved easily, even with my toy MK85 solver: \lstinputlisting[style=customsmt]{equations/animals/animals.smt} \lstinputlisting{equations/animals/animals.txt} However, one can argue that problem like that can be easily solved with bruteforce. I'll make it more realistic and harder. Let's say, there are 4 objects, each has a mass measured in some \textit{units}, in milligrams or even micrograms. Each object's mass is 64-bit value. We can use a weighting scale to measure object's mass, but as it happens in the real world, the scale is not precise. We use two type of scales: the first can measure object down to $10^3 \cdot unit$, the second down to $10^4 \cdot unit$. We do our measures and we set mass in some range: [xxxx...000 - xxxx...999] and [xxxx...0000 - xxxx...9990]. \lstinputlisting[style=customsmt]{equations/animals/1.smt} Even my toy MK85 can solve this: \lstinputlisting{equations/animals/1.txt} Almost correct, considering the fact that scales are not precise to the last \textit{unit}. This is the data I used for the example: \lstinputlisting[caption=Wolfram Mathematica code]{equations/animals/math.txt}