\myheading{\ac{LCG}} \leveldown{} \renewcommand{\CURPATH}{equations/LCG} \input{equations/LCG/1_EN} \input{equations/LCG/2_EN} \input{equations/LCG/3_EN} \myheading{Other \ac{PRNG}s} In July 2022 I tried to solve Project Euler number 803\footnote{\url{https://projecteuler.net/problem=803}}, but found that SMT solvers are incapable to deal with 48-bit \ac{LCG}. Bruteforce was much more faster. I probably should remove this section, but didn't. I'll leave it to stress the fact that sometimes, bruteforce may be faster than SAT/SMT solvers. So keep this in mind. \levelup{}