\myheading{Art of problem solving} \url{http://artofproblemsolving.com/wiki/index.php?title=2017_AMC_12A_Problems/Problem_2}: \begin{lstlisting} The sum of two nonzero real numbers is 4 times their product. What is the sum of the reciprocals of the two numbers? \end{lstlisting} We're going to solve this over real numbers: \begin{lstlisting}[style=custompy] from z3 import * x, y = Reals('x y') s=Solver() s.add(x>0) s.add(y>0) s.add(x+y == 4*x*y) print s.check() m=s.model() print "the model:" print m print "the answer:", m.evaluate (1/x + 1/y) \end{lstlisting} Instead of pulling values from the model and then compute the final result on Python's side, we can evaluate an expression ($\frac{1}{x} + \frac{1}{y}$) \emph{inside} the model we've got: \begin{lstlisting} sat the model: [x = 1, y = 1/3] the answer: 4 \end{lstlisting}