% the following piece of code has been shamelessly copypasted from the https://homotopytypetheory.org/book/ % and tweaked a bit... \newlength{\coverheight} \setlength{\coverheight}{\textheight} \newlength{\coverwidth} \setlength{\coverwidth}{\textwidth} % CMYK: %\def\OPTcovercolor{0.375,0,0,0.625} %\def\OPTcovertextcolor{0,0,0,0.125} %\definecolor{covercolor}{cmyk}{\OPTcovercolor} %\definecolor{covertext}{cmyk}{\OPTcovertextcolor} % supersilent 10 %\definecolor{covercolor}{RGB}{167, 173, 173} %\definecolor{covertext}{RGB}{252, 255, 255} % supersilent 12 - good \definecolor{covercolor}{RGB}{30, 40, 67} \definecolor{covertext}{RGB}{246, 245, 243} % supersilent 13 - good %\definecolor{covercolor}{RGB}{141, 152, 144} %\definecolor{covertext}{RGB}{252, 255, 248} % supersilent 5 - not bad %\definecolor{covercolor}{RGB}{57, 53, 54} %\definecolor{covertext}{RGB}{254, 252, 253} % supersilent 6 - not bad %\definecolor{covercolor}{RGB}{105, 109, 92} %\definecolor{covertext}{RGB}{233, 231, 219} % supersilent 7 - so so %\definecolor{covercolor}{RGB}{109, 135, 158} %\definecolor{covertext}{RGB}{245, 255, 243} \pagecolor{covercolor} \iffalse \def\OPTtopskip{43pt} % Skip at top of cover and back page (with units) \def\OPTcovertitlefont{74.5} % Size of title font (no unit, pt assumed) \def\OPTcovertitleskip{24pt} % Skip between title and subtitle (with units) \def\OPTcoversubtitlefont{50} % Size of subtitle font (no unit, pt assumed) \def\OPTcoverauthorfont{40} % Size of author font (no unit, pt assumed) \fi \def\OPTtopskip{43pt} % Skip at top of cover and back page (with units) \def\OPTcovertitlefont{20} % Size of title font (no unit, pt assumed) \def\OPTcovertitleskip{24pt} % Skip between title and subtitle (with units) \def\OPTcoversubtitlefont{20} % Size of subtitle font (no unit, pt assumed) \def\OPTcoverauthorfont{15} % Size of author font (no unit, pt assumed) \begin{minipage}[b][\coverheight][c]{\coverwidth} %\hbox{}\hfill \begin{minipage}[b][\coverheight][t]{0.83\coverwidth} \color{covertext} %\vspace{\OPTtopskip} \fontsize{\OPTcovertitlefont}{\OPTcovertitlefont}\selectfont \textbf{SAT/SMT by Example}\par %\vspace*{\OPTcovertitleskip} %\fontsize{\OPTcoversubtitlefont}{\OPTcoversubtitlefont}\selectfont \textbf{by Example}\par \vspace*{15pt} %\vfill \fontsize{\OPTcoverauthorfont}{\OPTcoverauthorfont}\selectfont \textbf{Dennis Yurichev}\par \end{minipage} %\hfill\hbox{} \end{minipage} \newpage \pagecolor{white}