\myheading{One-dimensional cellular automata and Z3 SMT-solver} Remember John Conway's Game of Life? It's a two-dimensional CA. This one is one-dimensional. It was fully described in Stephen Wolfram's book ``New Kind of Science''. Including, the famous Rule 110: \url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_110}. Can we find \emph{oscillators} (repeating states) and \emph{gliders} (repeating and shifted states)? N.B.: state is \emph{wrapped}: the leftmost invisible cell is a rightmost one and vice versa. The source code: \lstinputlisting[style=custompy]{CA/1D/1D_CA.py} Some \emph{oscillators} and \emph{gliders} are nice: \lstinputlisting{CA/1D/selected.txt} \verb|SHIFTED=0| means \emph{oscillator}, \verb|SHIFTED=1| means \emph{glider} slipping left, \verb|SHIFTED=2| --- slipping right.